Web Standalone Export


Enscape’s Web Standalone removes the requirement for high end graphics cards, as the Web Standalone exports is rendered in the browser using WebGL 2.0. To create a Web Standalone, Enscape needs to be running as the Export Web Standalone button is available from within the toolbar in the Enscape viewport.

You will need to click the small arrow next to the Executable Standalone to reveal a drop down menu where the option Web Standalone is located. This is the process each time you want to create a Web Standalone.

Export Web Standalone button

Export Web Standalone button

Export a Web Standalone

Once you are ready to export a Web Standalone clicking on the Export Web Standalone button will result in a dialogue box opening. This will indicate the progress of the upload of the Web Standalone Export. This is the same dialogue box for all CAD’s that Enscape is provided for.

Export Web Standalone uploading progress bar

Export Web Standalone uploading progress bar

Your default browser will open and you will be notified in the browser that the server is still processing the data for the Web Standalone Export, and an option to reload the file if it fails the first time.

The browser notification that the Web Standalone Export is loading

The browser notification that the Web Standalone Export is loading

If you have issues uploading an asset to the server, then this may be due to your Firewall. You may need to add some exceptions to your Firewall, and you will find the information you need to do this at this link.

Once the server has finished processing the data, your default browser will open. Once the Standalone has loaded in to your browser it will automatically display your project from the same position that was showing in the Enscape window.

The Help Overlay appears automatically when the web standalone is opened. You can toggle it on and off using the H key on your keyboard. Movement in any direction can be controlled on your keyboard via the arrow keys, and the E and Q keys to move up and down, respectively. To speed up the movement somewhat, hold the Shift key; to speed it up even more, hold the CRTL key. Toggle between Fly and Walk mode with the spacebar. Pressing M turns the mini map on and off. To generally rotate the view, click in the window with your left mouse key and drag in the desired direction. Adjust the time of day by pressing shift, holding the right mouse key, and moving the mouse.

Help Overlay in the Web Standalone

Help Overlay in the Web Standalone

Enscape is available in your browser window

Enscape is available in your browser window

Administration - 4.1.1 onwards

Back in the your CAD, you can administer your Web Standalones by clicking on the Upload Management button in the Enscape ribbon.

Once clicked, a new window named Chaos Account will open. Click on the tab named Upload Management on the left sidebar. Now click on the Web Standalones’ tab which will list all the Web Standalones that you have created, categorized by project.

Chaos Upload Management dialog showing the Web Standalones' tab

Chaos Upload Management dialog showing the Web Standalones' tab

Here, you can click on the Web Standalone and the link will open in your Web Browser. Additionally, once you hover over the web standalone link, you will find a button to copy the link to your clipboard as well.

For Enscape 4.1.1 onwards, the replace feature is currently not available for Panoramas and Web Standalones.

Administration - Prior to 4.1.1

Back in the your CAD, you can administer your Web Standalones by clicking on the Upload Management button in the Enscape ribbon.

Once clicked, a new window named Chaos Account will open. Click on the tab named Upload Management on the left sidebar. Now click on the Web Standalones’ tab which will list all the Web Standalones that you have created, categorized by project.

Chaos Upload Management dialog showing the Web Standalones' tab

Chaos Upload Management dialog showing the Web Standalones' tab

Here, once you hover over the web standalone link, you have 3 buttons to allow further administration of your Web Standalones. From left to right, Replace another uploaded Web Standalone in the Cloud with this…, the Copy link, and Delete Web Standalone.

Replace a Web Standalone

Clicking on the Replace another uploaded Web Standalone in the Cloud with this… button will result in the associated Replace Web Standalone in Cloud dialog to open, where you are asked to choose the Web Standalone to replace.

NOTE: you can replace Web Standalones that have been exported from different projects and these will retain the URL / link associated with the Web Standalone being replaced / deleted.

Replace Web Standalone dialog

Replace Web Standalone dialog

Once you’ve selected the file to replace, you will be asked to confirm the details of the exchange.

Details of the Web Standalone to be replaced

Details of the Web Standalone to be replaced

And then a final confirmation dialog to proceed, as the Web Standalone to be replaced will be deleted entirely.

Final confirmation to replace a Web Standalone

Final confirmation to replace a Web Standalone

If successful, you will receive a confirmation notice that the Web Standalone has been replaced.

Replacement of Web Standalone successful

Replacement of Web Standalone successful

Additionally, please refer to this article that explains how you can further manage Web Standalone files via your Enscape Account Upload section.

Embedding the Web Standalone

You can embed the Web Standalone in to your own webpage, if you require to monitor the amount of people viewing your project for instance. This can be done by embedding the URL into an iframe using the following script in your webpage.

<script defer type="text/javascript"
            width="850" height="550" style="border: 0;" scrolling="no" loading="lazy"
            src="<your web standalone URL placed here>"
            allow="fullscreen; xr-spatial-tracking;" referrerpolicy="strict-origin"
If you are using links generated from the Chaos Cloud , please make sure that the Link access has been changed to Anyone can view in the Share options, before embedding the links in your web pages.

Technical Limitations

Is your Browser WebGL2 Compatible?
Before viewing an Enscape Web Standalone, check if your browser is WebGL2 compatible. You can test your browser’s compatibility by visiting this webpage.

If your browser is WebGL2.0 compatible, Enscape Web Standalone files should work. However, there are still some limitations of the Web Standalone Export to observe:

  • Render Quality is limited to be the equivalent of ‘Draft’ mode
  • Both fog and the Enscape grass material are disabled
  • Rendering of transparent materials is currently simplified
  • Currently, no support for Internet Explorer/Edge/Safari or iOS devices (iPhone, iPads)
  • Performance of larger projects may be of a lower quality than in the full version of Enscape
  • Enscape Settings are disabled
  • Favorite Views are disabled
  • Light View mode is disabled
  • Customization: Only Interface Overlay is supported
  • Touch controls are currently very basic
  • A maximum file size is capped at 500MB
  • No VR mode
  • Texture resolution is limited to 512*512
As this feature is not available for testing in the Trial version of Enscape, if your browser is WebGL2 compatible then you can view a sample Web Standalone here.

    Do you need help with Enscape? Please contact our technical support here
    or send request directly through Enscape. Don't know how? Check this article.

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