Before Enscape tries connecting to the Enscape licensing server to authenticate the License Key, you should check with your IT Administrator as to whether your machine connects to the internet via a proxy server and, additionally, whether you will need to specify some URL/IP exceptions in your Firewall.
Open the General Settings window and select the Network option. By default these Proxy Server settings are set to use those default settings provided by your IT administrator. If you want to enter some other proxy server settings, click the Use System Default Values checkbox to clear that option. This will allow the disabled fields to become active and allow for custom Proxy settings where required. Otherwise, just keep the Use System Default checked. Enscape will tell then test the connection automatically and inform you if the connection is working or not.
Enscape Configure Proxy options
Enscape will automatically check your connection is functioning. If you have the Use System Default Values checked under the Proxy settings and Enscape shows a Connection Failed message, it means that the specified Port is blocked by the antivirus or firewall.
Port is not blocked
Port is blocked
If you’re not connected to a proxy server (in which case you will not need to change anything in the Enscape Proxy Server settings), you may need to add some exceptions to your Firewall, as your Firewall may possibly be blocking Enscape from connecting to the Enscape Licensing Server, as well as the server for Panoramas, Web Standalones, the Asset Library, as well as the Enscape Support function.
By default Windows Defender will not be blocking the ports required and you can allow the Enscape.exe app to communicate through the Windows Defender Firewall, but if you are using a third party Firewall solution, please make sure that you have created the following URL exceptions along with the associated port numbers in your Firewall’s Settings so that a connection to all the required Enscape servers is possible:
The port for this URL should be set to ‘80‘ and the protocol should be set to TCP (http).
Also, please set the following URL exceptions that are for connection to the Enscape Asset Library, Web Standalone, Panoramas, Site Context and Feedback services. The port number should be set to listen on port ‘443‘ with the protocol being set to TCP (http and https):
To understand how to add exceptions to a firewall, please refer to the information provided by your solution’s vendor.
If you continue to have issues connecting to our servers through your firewall, then please get in touch with our support.