Manage Uploads


Panorama and Web Standalone files created in Enscape can be managed via the Upload Management dialog within Enscape itself (accessed via the Enscape in CAD toolbar button ). They can also be further managed within the Uploads section of an Enscape Account, accessed via your web browser.

For clarity, there are two elements to managing Panoramas and Web Standalone files; the Upload Management dialog in Enscape itself and the Uploads area accessed via your Enscape Account.

Individual users can gain access to the Enscape Uploads once they have been invited by their account administrator.  The available menu options in the Enscape License Center will be limited to Uploads and Login Credentials for a user. The functions that are available within the Enscape Accounts Upload area allow the possibility to share, move, rename, and delete Panoramas and Web Standalone files, as well as create Panorama Galleries where multiple Panoramas from the same project can be linked together.

Once an account administrator has invited a user via the Chaos Account Organization menu and the user has set a password for the account, they will then be able to use the associated credentials to log in to their account via the Go to Uploads link on the bottom right of the Chaos Account Upload Management tab.

Sign in button in the Chaos Account window

Sign in button in the Chaos Account window

Once you click sign in, you will be directed to the sign in page on your web browser. Here you can fill in your login credentials and click Sign in.

Login credentials window

Login credentials window

After successfully signing in, you will be able to see your account details in the Chaos Account window -> Account.

User signed in

User signed in

A user can then proceed to export and upload to the cloud both Web Standalone files and Panoramas. This is achieved via the Upload Management dialog within the Enscape software itself. A user can then further manage these files created when logged into their account in Enscape, via the Enscape Account Uploads area where the functions listed above are accessible.

This means that for a user to be able to see those files that have been uploaded when they were logged in, the user will need to be logged in to their account via the Chaos Account window. Additionally, in the Upload Management  dialog, only those files that have been uploaded when they were not logged in will be shown.

Finally, it’s worth noting that access to Enscape Accounts, and therefore access to the Uploads area, is not available to Trial users (and Students/Educators purchased prior to February 07, 2023).

The Upload Management dialog in Enscape

The Upload Management dialog in Enscape

Migrate Uploads

If you are using a Floating License and have a user account associated to it, but at some point in time have uploaded Panoramas and Standalone exports without being logged in to that account, Enscape now provides you the option to migrate these previously uploaded files to your user account.

To be able to do this, you will need to be logged in to your user account as set out above. Once you are logged in, open the Upload Management  dialog window, and click on the icon at the top right corner of the dialog window as highlighted in the following screenshot. This will open another dialog informing you as to how many Panoramas and Web Standalones are available for migration and requesting you migrate all of these, or not. Once migrated, they will be available in the online Upload Manager, as shown below.

Migration Assistant

Migration Assistant

ATTENTION: This is a non-reversible operation meaning it is not possible to migrate the uploaded panoramas “back” out of your Enscape account. At the same time, we do not change the URLs of the Panoramas / Web Standalones associated with these files meaning previously communicated URL’s will still function.

Access the Upload Manager

Once you have set up an account, log in to the Enscape Account and then select the Uploads option from the drop-down menu available at the top right-hand side of the page.

You will see the following menu options:

Enscape Account showing the Menu options, including Uploads

Enscape Account showing the Menu options, including Uploads

Existing Enscape users will be by default see the historic license usage overview. They can click Uploads from the menu on the top right. Whereas, new users will, by default after logging in, be taken directly to the Uploads folder.

Upload Management

Upload Management

Notice that there is a Type column for each item listed and these are the object Types that can managed:

  • Folder
  • Panorama Mono
  • Panorama Stereo
  • Panorama Gallery
  • Web Standalone

The top level is made up of all types as ‘Folder’. These are the different CAD project folders you uploaded types for using this account. If we click on one of these Folder items it will show the contents of that project folder, which could be any of the types listed above.

Contents of a Folder

Contents of a Folder

If an item in a folder is of Type Panorama, you can directly click on it to open and view the Panorama itself in a new browser tab / window. The same process is applied where a Type WebStandalone may be listed.

There is no limit to how many items you can place inside a Folder. Note, that you can also add another folder within a folder via the ‘New Folder’ button to create sub-folders. Click the black arrow button at top left to return to the Parent Folder.

Additionally, there is always a Content Menu (the three dots) option available for each item, no matter what Type the item is:

New Folder and Context Menu buttons

New Folder and Context Menu buttons

This Context Menu is accessed via the 3 dots button and provides the following options:

The Context Menu

The Context Menu

  • Share Options – Set and share a link to the item
  • Open in View Mode – This option is visible for Panorama Galleries only
  • Rename – Rename the item
  • Move – Move the item to a different location within the Uploads area
  • Delete – Delete an item

Share Options

Clicking on the Share Options button will show the following popup:

Share Options

Share Options

You can either use the Copy button to copy the URL which can then be pasted into an email or document.
Or, you can send the URL link directly to an email address by adding the recipients email address and clicking the Send Link button.

In cases where you have a previously shared an item, but want to quickly limit the access to that item, you can then click the Generate new Link option, which will show the following message:

Generate a new link

Generate a new link

Click the Generate button to finalize the change of the URL. You should notice that the URL changes and a small notice will be shown in green text stating ‘New link created!’ which confirms the change was successful.

Generation of a new link was successul

Generation of a new link was successul

This function will help you to manage access to Panorama and Web Standalone files you have previously shared.


Selecting the Rename option provides a dialog to allow the renaming of a file. This field can not be left empty.

Rename an Item

Rename an Item

Once filled out, click the Rename button to complete the process.


Selecting the Move option will result in a dialog opening where the whole folder structure the user has created will be displayed. This allows  you to select the location you’d like to move the item to. The item you are wanting to move is always shown in bold text.

Move item dialog

Move item dialog

Once you’ve chosen the new location from the list, the Select Folder button will turn orange, meaning its now available to click on. Click on it to complete the process and the folder structure will be changed accordingly.


Lastly, the Delete option will prompt you to confirm deletion before proceeding to remove the selected item completely.

Delete an item

Delete an item

In a case where a user is deleted and the license rights removed, or if a user lost access to their machine, the deletion of Panoramas from that user account can be requested by the account admin directly to Enscape.  

    Do you need help with Enscape? Please contact our technical support here
    or send request directly through Enscape. Don't know how? Check this article.

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