In General, Release Notes

Finally, Enscape 1.9 is here! This took some time due to the amount of things we wanted to include. We took a critical look at every aspect and asked ourselves how we can incorporate your feedback and ideas. Have a look at the video and read about the details below:

New Features and Improvements


We now support Decals. This enables a new range of visual refinements and fills one of the last small gaps to fully leverage your Revit model.

Improved glass

You can now add textures onto your transparent materials. As well as this, we now realistically refract light passing through glassy. This is called refraction and allows for a very accurate representation of glass elements in your scene. We also improved the support of material parameters for transparent surfaces: Color, transparency, glossiness and bump textures will now translate into Enscape as well.

Polystyrol Mode

The Polystyrol Mode already existed in Enscape – its purpose is to allow you to view your model as a miniature model as if it was made out of card board. Even if you do not yet have a proper material setup, it will look interesting and appealing. With Enscape 1.9 we have gone a step further and added a more physically correct subsurface light scattering to simulate the light behavior in thin material. You can adjust the transmission parameter, depending on the scale that you want your model to represent. In terms of light scattering, the Transmission in a 1:50 model is lower than in a 1:100 model.

Auto Contrast and Sharpening


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Even the best renderings sometimes need some refinement in image editing software. We want to save your time, so we implemented a few common and handy parameters in Enscape. The sharpening now sharpens your image without creating dark halos around objects. The Auto Contrast expands the levels of your image histogram to give you the maximum color range from black to white. This has nothing to do with exposure – although it can rescue a bad exposure. Usually, a right exposure is half way to a good contrast, but if the lighting is monotone in the particular view, Auto Contrast can help to maximize the visual beauty.

Oculus Touch

We’ve supported the HTC Vive controllers for virtual reality interaction since previous versions already. With Enscape 1.9, we are also adding support for the Touch controls by Oculus. The capabilities of the two are the same. We often heard of confusion from first time VR-users while they were getting comfortable with the controls. Since this can be tedious during client presentations, we changed the controller layout to make it more intuitive. We also added 3D instructions which appear if you look directly at the controllers. This helps both frequent users and novices to have a better VR experience.


The Videorecorder can now interpolate between different depth of field ranges and allows different frames-per-second settings. Additionally, the bit rate is calculated automatically under Compression Quality based on a desired quality preset. Consequently, you do not have to guess anymore based on your resolution.


Enscape’s atmosphere and cloud system has always been nice to look at – but we refined it again to give your scenes a greater surrounding. The system is now based on physical measurements of the real-world sky to fully correspond to the appropriate lighting intensities. You have a wide range of sliders to define cloud density in your scene.

It’s faster!

We always dedicate a good portion of our efforts to making Enscape faster and more stable, while adding and improving features at the same time. I’m sure you’ll notice!

We’re coming to a place near you!

Over the next couple of months, we might get the chance to meet each other! Starting in March we are at the CTC Midwest-U in Minneapolis conference, in April at the BILT Asia in Singapore and in May at the BILT Australia in Adelaide. Just approach us at our booth and say hello!