Understanding Enscape Impact

How Enscape Impact works?

Understanding Room Detection

Enscape Impact automatically detects and analyzes room data from your project’s geometry to provide energy performance insights. Here’s how the room detection process works and how you can ensure more accurate results:

1. What is Room Detection?

Room detection in Enscape Impact identifies enclosed spaces (rooms) from the geometry visible in your CAD model. It creates simplified room shells (essentially boxes) for each detected room and runs energy performance analysis based on that model. Different project views can yield different results because the analysis is performed on the visible geometry in the selected view.

2. Room Detection Limitations

Not all spaces in your project will be detected as rooms. For example, small spaces below 35 cm in any dimension (height, width, or depth) are ignored and merged with neighboring rooms. Additionally, shading elements are not detected as part of the analysis.

3. Voxel Accuracy and its Effect on Analysis

Enscape Impact uses voxels—3D “pixels”—to fill detected rooms and perform analysis. Each voxel is 35 cm in size. While this ensures efficient processing, it introduces a margin of error (up to 35 cm). This means that rooms might be slightly simplified, and the analysis may not reflect every small detail.

4. Improving Room Detection Accuracy

To improve the accuracy of your analysis:

  • Ground Modeling: Ensure that floors and ground planes are modeled correctly.
  • Simplify Geometry: Hide unnecessary objects like furniture, decorative elements, or assets that do not affect the analysis (Enscape assets are filtered by the algorithm, but hiding them can improve the performance).
  • Transparent Materials: Ensure windows have transparent materials since the algorithm detects windows based on material transparency.
  • Clean Geometry: Check that there are no large openings (>35-70 cm) in your rooms that might prevent them from being detected as enclosed spaces.

You can also analyze different buildings separately to improve performance, as each building will be treated independently in the analysis.

5. What is Considered a Room?

A room is any enclosed space that is fully surrounded by geometry. Rooms must have dimensions greater than 35 cm in height, width, and depth to be considered. Large openings (over 35-70 cm) in a room will prevent it from being detected as enclosed.

6. Room Detection and Simulation Errors

Room detection is triggered every time Enscape Impact runs an analysis. It is triggered if you make changes to the geometry in your CAD model or if you change the project settings in Enscape Impact. Simulation errors can occur if the geometry is too complex, incomplete, or if there are large gaps between room boundaries. If you suspect there is an issue with room detection, such as missing rooms or inaccurate results, check if the geometry fits the room definition criteria. If you notice any issues, review your geometry and/or send us the logs so we can assist you with analyzing the issues.

7. Detecting Windows and Roofs

  • Roofs: Roofs are automatically detected based on the upper boundaries of rooms with no geometry above them.
  • Windows: The algorithm identifies windows based on their transparency. Transparent materials will be detected as windows.

8. Tips for Faster and More Accurate Analysis

  • Use Separate Views: Set up different views in your CAD software for different buildings. Analyzing them individually improves performance and accuracy.
  • Hide Non-Essential Elements: Hide elements that don’t affect energy performance, such as decorative objects or Enscape assets, to reduce calculation time.

Data inputs effect on analysis


If the project has a location set, Enscape Impact will use this location as default. Longitude, latitude and elevation are taken into consideration. Users can change the location in the Settings tab at any time. The selected location assigns the relevant Climate zone automatically and an appropriate weather file (more about the weather files: https://www.iesve.com/support/weatherfiles). The climate zones are defined using the ASHRAE Standard 169-2009. IES follows the standard utilizing the following climate zones. Similar zoning maps are defined for the whole world, so your project can have any location.

ASHRAE climate zone map

ASHRAE climate zone map

Building types

Building types in Enscape Impact are based on ASHRAE building types. The selected building type defines the relevant operational schedules, internal loads and space conditions assigned to the model.
The first version of Enscape Impact offers the following building types:

  • Single family
  • Multiple family
  • Office
  • School or University
  • Hospital
  • Dining

As only one type can be selected, select the main building type. This may change in future versions of Enscape Impact. Additional building types will also be included.
In case the model includes several independent buildings with different main building types, they can be analyzed one by one using different views with the rest of the model being hidden and the building type changed according to the main building function.
Analyzing parts of one building independently based on function (example first floor is dining, second floor is office) is not advisable as the building envelope will have different performance and you will receive inaccurate results.

Building and renovation years

The Building age ranges are defined based on the available ASHRAE Standards editions. The following are used:

ASHRAE building age ranges

ASHRAE building age ranges

The appropriate standard is applied based on the building type and standard revisions, as the standard is applicable to buildings built after its issue date. ASHRAE 90.1 applies to all buildings except low-rise residential buildings. ASHRAE 90.2 applies only to low-rise residential buildings.

Note on Pre-2004 Buildings
The accuracy of calculations for buildings constructed before 2004 may be lower due to the wide variety of building construction practices and installations during this period, as well as the lack of standardised benchmarking data. However, the tool remains a valuable resource for estimating potential improvements during renovation projects, helping you identify opportunities to enhance energy efficiency. Use these results as a guide to explore impactful design changes and upgrades.

Default Datasets

Based on the inputs described above, default datasets developed by IES are assigned. The model is layered up with thermal properties and systems information suitable for the location, age, and building type. This includes relevant building fabric details, operational schedules, internal space conditions, typical internal loads, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system types. IES derives the datasets to configure the buildings from the following ASHRAE Standards & User Manuals:

  • Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, Versions: ASHRAE 90.1:2019, ASHRAE 90.1:2016, ASHRAE 90.1:2013, ASHRAE 90.1:2010, ASHRAE 90.1:2007, ASHRAE 90.1:2004
  • Energy Standard for Buildings Low-Rise Residential Buildings, ASHRAE 90.2:2018
  • Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, ASHRAE 62.1:2016
  • Climatic Data for Building Design Standards, ASHRAE Standard 169-2013

Default Datasets content


System types Characteristic Definition Example Dependant on
Heating system
Heating Operation Profile Defines the operational schedule for heating availability within a building. “On continuously” indicates the heating system is always operational, regardless of external conditions or time of day. Suitable for hospitals or data centers.
Building type, Building year
Heating Setpoint Defines the target indoor temperature that the heating system aims to maintain during occupied hours. In an office building, a setpoint of 21.1°C ensures a comfortable working environment for occupants while balancing energy efficiency and operational requirements.
Heating Plant Profile Defines the schedule and operational pattern of the heating system, including auxiliary energy consumption, based on time variations. In an office building, the system operates during working hours and reduces energy use during unoccupied periods.
Heating Plant Radiant Fraction Defines the proportion of heat emitted as radiant energy by the heating system. Forced warm air heaters have a radiant fraction of 0.0, while high-temperature radiant heaters may have a fraction of 0.9, reflecting their focus on radiant heat output.
Cooling system
Cooling Operation Profile Defines the operational schedule for cooling availability within a building. “On-Continuously” indicates the cooling system is always available, regardless of external conditions or time of day. Suitable for data centers or high-occupancy offices.
Building type, Building year, Location
Cooling Setpoint Defines the target indoor temperature that the cooling system aims to maintain during occupied hours. In an office building, a setpoint of 23.9°C ensures a comfortable working environment for occupants while balancing energy efficiency and operational requirements.
Cooling Plant Profile Defines the schedule and operational pattern of the cooling system, including auxiliary energy consumption, based on time variations. In an office building, it aligns with a building’s occupancy schedule, ensuring the system operates efficiently during working hours and reduces energy use during unoccupied periods.
Cooling Plant Radiant Fraction Defines the proportion of cooling delivered as radiant energy by the cooling system. A fraction of 0.00 is typical for air-based systems where all cooling is delivered via convective airflow, as opposed to systems like chilled beams, which may have a higher radiant fraction.
Auxiliary Ventilation System Auxiliary Ventilation System Defines the auxiliary ventilation system associated with the Apache System methodology. It specifies the type of system used to condition and supply additional ventilation to a room. A system supplying 8 liters per second per person of fresh air ensures adequate indoor air quality in a densely occupied office. Building type, Building year
Domestic Hot Water System (DWH)
Hot Water Consumption Defines the rate of hot water usage in a building, measured in liters per hour per person (l/h.p), based on the Pattern of Use. This value represents the estimated demand for domestic hot water and is critical for calculating energy requirements for water heating systems. In an office, the rate is 0.170 l/(h.p) for handwashing and occasional cleaning. In residential buildings, it might be higher, such as 0.350 l/(h.p) due to showers and cooking.
Building type, Building year
Hot Water Consumption Pattern Defines the schedule of hot water consumption based on building occupancy patterns.This pattern helps model water heating demands during different periods of the day, reflecting real-world usage scenarios. IIn an office building, the pattern shows increased demand from 8 AM to 6 PM. In residential settings, it peaks in the morning and evening when occupants use water for showers or cooking.
Sensible Gain Defines the energy added to a space due to lighting, expressed as heat gain per square meter of floor area. This value represents the amount of heat generated by lighting systems, which contributes to the internal heat load of a building. It is used in calculating the Internal Gains for energy performance analysis. A value of 12.0 W/m² indicates a high lighting intensity, typical for retail stores. In residential spaces, the value may be lower, such as 5.0 W/m².
Building type, Building year
Variation Profile Defines how lighting usage varies over time, influencing the heat gains attributed to lighting within a building. This profile accounts for lighting intensity changes during different periods, such as occupied and unoccupied hours, and is applied to calculate the Internal Gains. In an office, lights are fully operational from 8 AM to 6 PM with no reductions for lunch breaks. In a residential setting, lighting may be used more in the evening, from 5 PM to 11 PM.
Occupancy Density Defines the number of occupants per unit area, affecting internal gains and energy loads from human activity. This value helps calculate internal gains and energy loads due to human activity. In an office building, occupancy density, example: 9 – 12 m2/p
Building type, Building year
Sensible Gain Defines the heat generated by occupants through conduction, convection, and radiation, contributing to the internal heat gains of a building. Each office occupant generates 73W of sensible heat during working hours, affecting cooling needs. In a gym, this may increase to 120 W/person.
Latent Gain Defines the energy introduced into a space due to moisture emitted by occupants via respiration and perspiration, affecting humidity and cooling. Each office occupant generates 58W of latent heat, impacting the humidity levels and cooling load. In a gym, it might increase to 120 W/person.
Variation Profile Defines the schedule for changes in occupancy levels throughout the day. In an office, the profile is 8 AM to 6 PM with no reduction for lunch breaks. For residential settings, the profile may show increased occupancy in the evening.
Equipment Loads
Sensible Gain Defines the energy added to a space in the form of heat transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation from equipment operations. Sensible gains are a key factor in internal gains calculations, directly impacting temperature control and HVAC system sizing. In an office building, equipment such as computers, printers, and lighting may contribute around 10.8 W/m² to the total sensible gain.
Building type, Building year
Latent Gain Defines the energy added to a space in the form of moisture introduced by equipment or processes. This moisture may come from vapor released by equipment operations, specific industrial processes, or air infiltration from external or adjacent spaces. Latent gains are a component of internal gains calculations, helping to account for humidity control and HVAC system performance. In an office building, latent gains are minimal, around 0.000 W/m², but in industrial settings, they could be significant.
Variation Profile Defines the time-dependent variation in equipment energy use throughout the day, reflecting operational schedules or usage patterns. In an office, equipment operates continuously from 8 AM to 6 PM, aligning with typical office hours. In residential or industrial settings, equipment use may vary more.
Max Flow Defines the maximum air infiltration rate, measured in air changes per hour (ACH), indicating the air volume replaced per hour due to gaps or cracks. A well-sealed office building may have a max flow of 0.167 ACH, while a poorly insulated building might have a max flow of 1.0 ACH.
Building type, Building year
Variation Profile Defines the time-based pattern of air infiltration, impacting ventilation calculations. “On continuously” indicates infiltration occurs at a constant rate throughout the day, typical of older buildings or those without controlled ventilation.
Components Thermal Transmittance (External Wall, Ground floor, Roof, Windows/Glazing, Rooflights, Door) U-value Defines the rate of heat transfer through building envelope components, such as walls, floors, and windows, indicating insulation quality. A U-value of 0.1 W/m²K indicates excellent insulation, while a value of 1.0 W/m²K indicates poor insulation. (This example is for Opaque constructions) Building type, Location, Building year


In upcoming Enscape Impact versions there will be advanced options to change the default datasets.

Model calculations

Based on all inputs for the energy model, calculations are performed with IES’s APACHE engine. Widely regarded as the best whole-building energy simulation engine in the world, the powerful APACHE engine is used in this integration. The engine benefits from the dynamic thermal simulation with a time step output, that sits at the heart of any simulation that considers the energy efficiency or sustainability of a building from an energy or carbon usage viewpoint. Fully adherent with international standards APACHE helps designers worldwide effectively decarbonize their buildings. APACHE engine considers a complete virtual representation of the real building using first-principles models of heat transfer processes and are driven by recorded or future prediction weather data. Calculations consider the exact location of solar penetration and the associated solar gain throughout the building, and pressure network calculations assess both natural ventilation and forced air movement. Calculating size and select air- and waterside HVAC systems, APACHE provides a complete understanding of energy and carbon usage prediction for both the building and its equipment.

* More information on the used methodologies can be found here.

Benchmarking data

Benchmarking data is added so calculation results can be presented in a more user friendly way. Benchmarks for each building type have been generated based on the CBECS & RECS databases for North America as defined and shared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), relevant for the building type and its location.
Benchmarking source for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland based buildings has been derived by IES to provide location specific benchmark assessment.
IES utilized the following databases:

  • DECC measured data 2017
  • CIBSE magazine measured data case studies 2017
  • UK Public Authority published measured data 2017

IES created quartile ranges for the benchmarking. Quartiles are cut points that divide the range of a probability distribution into continuous intervals with four equal probabilities (as in one-fourth) of the
spectrum, as shown in the picture.

Quartile ranges

Quartile ranges

Benchmarking quartiles are climate reactive and aligning ASHRAE building types with CBECS & RECS databases for North America, and DECC, CIBSE and UK Public Authority data for United Kingdom and Ireland. The mapping of building types for each set is specified below:

  • Single family – RECS Single Families Detached
  • Multiple family – RECS Multi Family Large
  • Office – CBECS Office
  • School or University – CBECS Education
  • Hospital – CBECS Inpatient Healthcare
  • Dining – CBECS Food Service

Enscape Impact does not gather data from user projects for benchmarking.


The accuracy of the results is based on how closely the default datasets match the actual design (see 1.4). Below are the key insights provided by Enscape Impact:

1. Peak Loads

Definition: Peak load refers to the energy consumption of the building during the most severe weather conditions, whether extreme heat or cold. This load is used to determine the size and capacity required for the HVAC systems.

  • What’s Included: Peak load calculations consist of the highest demand for heating or cooling throughout the year. It does not include energy consumption for electricity, hot water, or internal gains like lighting and appliances.
  • How Calculated: Peak loads are determined based on weather conditions from the selected location’s weather file and standards specified by ASHRAE. Only extreme or “design conditions” are considered, so it doesn’t simulate the entire year.
  • Purpose: Peak loads help establish the size of systems like HVAC to ensure that they can meet the building’s maximum energy demands.
  • Exclusions: The peak loads do not include internal gains, solar gains, electricity, or hot water energy.

2. Carbon Emissions

Definition: Carbon emissions represent the total annual carbon output from building operations. This includes emissions from gas, oil, and electricity used to operate the building.

  • What’s Included: The sum of emissions generated from the building’s operational needs, specifically heating, cooling, lighting, and electricity.
  • How Calculated: Based on the energy end-use data, the results reflect the annual emissions caused by operational energy demand. This includes emissions from fossil fuel sources and electricity, depending on the energy source mix.

3. Energy Use Intensity (EUI)

Definition: EUI is a measure of the building’s total energy consumption per year divided by its floor area, representing its overall energy efficiency.

  • What’s Included: EUI includes all forms of energy used during the building’s operation (gas, oil, electricity).
  • How Calculated: The total energy consumed for heating, cooling, lighting, and other operational needs is divided by the building’s total floor area. This is then expressed as energy per square meter or square foot.

4. Energy End Use

Definition: Energy end use breaks down the total energy consumption by category, helping users understand how much energy is used for cooling, heating, hot water, lighting, and other electricity needs.

  • What’s Included: Energy distribution is shown between key categories, including heating, cooling, hot water, lighting, and other electrical demands.
  • How Calculated: The energy end use results are derived based on default datasets and the selected building and weather conditions, allowing users to see how energy is allocated among different systems.

How to read the Enscape Impact outputs to improve the building design?

Peak loads

Reducing the peak load of a building during the early design stage can significantly enhance its energy efficiency, reduce operational costs, and improve occupant comfort. The lower the value, the better. Here are some strategies and design considerations to help achieve this in early design stages:

Optimize Building Orientation and Layout

  • Orientation: Orient the building to maximize natural daylight and reduce solar heat gain, especially in hot climates. South-facing windows (in the Northern Hemisphere) can provide beneficial winter solar gain.
  • Zoning: Design internal spaces to create thermal zones based on their usage patterns, allowing for more efficient heating and cooling control.

Enhance Daylighting and Shading

  • Daylighting: Use skylights, light shelves, and clerestory windows to enhance natural light distribution, reducing the need for artificial lighting.
  • Shading Devices: Incorporate external shading devices (e.g., overhangs, louvers) and internal shading (e.g., blinds, curtains) to control solar heat gain and glare.

Renewable Energy Integration (not included in this version of Enscape Impact)

  • Solar Panels: Incorporate solar photovoltaic (PV) panels to generate on-site renewable energy, reducing dependency on external power sources.
  • Solar Thermal: Use solar thermal systems for water heating to reduce the load on conventional water heaters.

Landscaping and Site Design

  • Vegetation: Use landscaping to provide natural shading and windbreaks, which can reduce heating and cooling loads.
  • Green Roofs: Install green roofs to provide additional insulation and reduce the urban heat island effect.

Carbon emissions

Reducing operational carbon emissions is a key goal in sustainable building design, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by targeting areas where energy consumption is highest.

Reducing Carbon Emissions through Peak Load and Energy End Use Improvements:

  • Peak Loads: Reducing the building’s peak heating and cooling loads can significantly cut down the overall energy consumption during periods of maximum demand. By minimizing these peaks, the systems in place, like HVAC, can operate more efficiently, leading to lower carbon emissions.
    • See the Peak Loads section to explore ways to manage heating and cooling requirements during extreme weather conditions.
  • Energy End Use: Understanding the breakdown of energy usage (heating, cooling, lighting, hot water, etc.) enables targeted efficiency measures, helping reduce energy demand in specific areas. Lowering overall energy consumption directly correlates with a reduction in carbon emissions.
    • Refer to the Energy End Use section to discover how analyzing energy distribution can help you identify areas for improvement.

By reducing both peak loads and energy end use, designers can take strategic actions to lower the building’s operational carbon emissions, leading to a more sustainable and efficient design.

Energy Use Intensity

The Energy Use Intensity (EUI) is benchmarked against data from similar buildings in terms of building type, size, age, and climate zone (see Benchmarking data). The EUI measures the total energy consumption per square meter or foot of building space, and the result is displayed on a color-coded dial for easy interpretation.

Color codes

Color codes

Red Dial: The building’s EUI is among the 71-100% of the benchmarked buildings, indicating a high energy use compared to similar buildings.


Yellow Dial: The building’s EUI is among the 31-70% of the benchmarked buildings, reflecting average energy use.


Green Dial: The building’s EUI is among the 0-30% of the benchmarked buildings, showcasing high energy efficiency.

Strategies to Improve EUI:

1. Optimize Building Orientation and Massing

  • Orientation: Position the building to maximize natural daylight and passive solar heating, while minimizing excessive solar gain to reduce cooling demands.
  • Shape and Massing: Design compact building shapes to minimize the surface area exposed to external temperature variations, helping to reduce heat transfer.

2. Improve Daylighting Efficiency

  • Daylighting: Incorporate large windows, skylights, and light wells to maximize natural light penetration, thereby reducing the need for artificial lighting and lowering overall energy consumption.

Improving the EUI during the early design stages can significantly enhance a building’s energy performance, reduce operational costs, and increase sustainability.

Energy end use

The Energy End Use breakdown helps users understand how energy is distributed among various systems such as cooling, heating, hot water, lighting, and electricity annually. Knowing the breakdown early in the design stage offers valuable insights, allowing you to target specific areas for improvement and optimize overall energy performance.

By analyzing the energy end-use data, users can identify which systems are the major energy consumers and prioritize efficiency measures where they will have the most impact. For example, if cooling is a significant energy user, you might consider adjusting the building’s orientation, shape, or glazing to reduce the cooling demand.


  • Identify Major Energy Consumers: Determine which systems consume the most energy, helping you focus on efficiency improvements for HVAC, lighting, or other energy-intensive systems.
  • Targeted Design Adjustments: For example, lowering cooling energy requirements can be achieved by rethinking building orientation, window placement, and glazing to minimize heat gain.

This information helps you optimize the design to reduce energy use, increase sustainability, and potentially lower operational costs.

Performance Map Visualizations

The Performance Map visualization feature allows users to visually analyze the performance of each room in terms of peak loads, heating, cooling, and solar gains. Performance is calculated individually for every room, and the rooms with the lowest and highest values form the scale. This means that rooms with very close performance values can still appear dramatically different in color (e.g., blue vs. red), as they set the boundaries for the color range. It’s important to check the scale values for precise interpretation.

This feature helps designers easily spot rooms that may require design improvements by highlighting performance disparities across the building. By identifying problematic rooms, users can implement targeted measures to improve the building’s overall performance.

Performance Map

Performance Map

Examples of solar gains:

  • Which rooms receive the most solar gains? These rooms might benefit from less glazing or the addition of shading elements to prevent overheating.
  • Which rooms receive the least solar gains? These may need more glazing or other design changes to ensure they meet lighting and energy needs effectively.

The Performance Map visualization tool is a quick and intuitive way to analyze and optimize the building’s design for better performance.

    Do you need help with Enscape? Please contact our technical support here
    or send request directly through Enscape. Don't know how? Check this article.

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