To deploy licence on multiple machines, install the Chaos License Server on a centralized machine in your office network, which is accessible by every user. Authenticate it with your Chaos Account that holds your floating licenses.
Enscape users (or your IT administrator) within your network simply need to configure their copy of Enscape to connect to the License Server, which can be done during installation or with an external utility, which is installed alongside Enscape.
To perform a silent installation follow the instructions here.
To install for All Users on the machine, run the installation file from an Administrator command prompt with the following arguments (to install for the Current User only, run the same but from a normal non-Administrator command prompt):
PATHtoENSCAPEexe -gui=0 -acceptEULA
The -acceptEULA argument will accept the EULA. If you do not specify the -acceptEULA option, the installer will terminate because the EULA was not accepted.
Follow the instructions of the install and set-up the installation the way you want to have it on all machines. This will create a file named config.xml in the folder of the installation file. Save this config.xml file as you will need it to install Enscape on other machines.
To install Enscape via deployment script and add the Enscape license key to the Windows Registry, you will need a script like this one:
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Enscape /v LicenseKey >nul
if %errorlevel% equ 1 (
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Enscape /reg:64 /v LicenseKey /t REG_SZ /d your_Enscape_license_code
PATHtoENSCAPEexe -gui=0 -acceptEULA -configFile=”config.xml” -quiet=1
NOTE: PATHtoENSCAPEexe in the argument above refers to the location of the exe installer on your machine. For example it could be C:\Users\username\Downloads\Enscape-
In case you encounter problems during the command line installation, add the ‘-debug=3‘ argument at the end of your command line. This will create an installer log file, named for example installer_debug_XXX.log (where XXX is the timestamp), in the current TEMP directory. You can send this file along with the other information to us with your support ticket.
NOTE: for this process you will need a separate Enscape License Key which you will need to directly request from us. To do this, please contact our support.
Upon startup of your used CAD software, the license code in the registry key will automatically be applied.
NOTE: for this process you will need a separate Enscape License Key which you will need to directly request from us. To do this, please contact our support.
Here’s a very simple deployment script which you can adapt to your needs:
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Enscape /v LicenseKey >nul if %errorlevel% equ 1 ( reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Enscape /reg:64 /v LicenseKey /t REG_SZ /d your_Enscape_license_code ) start /w msiexec.exe /i Enscape.msi /quiet ACCEPTEULA=1
For information on all the available switches, please refer to this article. If you want to read the Enscape version automatically (prior to 4.0), then please refer to this article.
If you’d like to deploy your license automatically so that the Enscape user doesn’t have to enter the code manually when starting Enscape for the first time, simply follow these steps:
1. Create a file called “License.txt” containing your license code
2. Create the directory “%ProgramData%\Enscape” on the computer on which you want to deploy Enscape
3. Place the License.txt in that freshly created directory
Upon startup of your used CAD software, the license code in the file will automatically be applied. If successful, the file will be deleted.
Here’s a very simple deployment script which you can adapt to your needs:
if not exist "%ProgramData%\Enscape" md "%ProgramData%\Enscape" echo your_license_code > "%ProgramData%\Enscape\License.txt" start /w msiexec.exe /i Enscape.msi /quiet ACCEPTEULA=1
Note: If you want your license to be deployed on each start up (for each user) without being deleted, name it “License-Persistent.txt”, and place it into “%ProgramData%\Enscape”.
To suppress Enscape Update Notifications, Graphics Card Driver warnings, and the First Steps window you can use the following commands:
To perform this for the current user, just replace the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE with HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
NOTE: the implementation for suppressing these popup notifications is currently subject to change.
For versions 4.2 onwards, the Suppress Taskbar Icon Grouping setting can be enabled. All Enscape windows will then appear as a separate group of windows in the taskbar. To suppress grouping, you can run the following command as an Administrator:
NOTE: This will apply also to windows opened in the context of different CADs or CAD instances.
Selecting “all users” from the installers options will only install it for users who have already started ArchiCAD at least once.
In order to ensure installation for every new user of a machine, you can do the following:
1. Run a script on any user’s first log on using CMD, run as an administrator:
“C:\Program Files\Enscape\registration\Enscape.Installer.Runtime.exe” install -archicad -all-users “C:\Program Files\Enscape”
NOTE: This refers to your installation path being C:\Program Files\Enscape. If it is different, please replace it with that.
2. This command will register Enscape for ArchiCAD for All Users again and output a log file of this in this location:
Selecting “all users” from the installers options will only install it for users who have already started ArchiCAD at least once.
In order to ensure installation for every new user of a machine, you can do the following:
1. Run a script on any user’s first log on and from there, call the Plugin installer like this:
msiexec.exe /q /i Enscape.msi REINSTALL=ArchiCAD
NOTE: the /q option for the command to perform a quiet installation.
2. Add the registry base key of your ArchiCAD version to the Default User created in the previous step. (This removes the requirement of starting ArchiCAD before installing Enscape.)
Here are some example commands for different ArchiCAD version:
In the commands “Test” refers to the loaded Hive (see step 7).
The last two parts of the base key depend on your ArchiCAD version, you can look them up at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GRAPHISOFT for any user that has already started ArchiCAD.
It is worth noting that uninstalling previous versions of Enscape prior to version 2.6 cannot be done by the MSI installer directly.
Instead, the commands to uninstall Enscape 2.5 can be found in the following registry entries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Enscape → UninstallString (if Enscape 2.5 was installed for all users)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Enscape → UninstallString (if Enscape 2.5 was installed for the current user)
So, an automatic approach would be to read these registry values and execute the commands, if they exist.
NOTE: this only needs to be performed once. Furthermore, although there is no possible way to uninstall Enscape versions prior to 2.6 silently and without user interaction, you could use a PowerShell script that would check for versions previous to 2.6 that are installed, and this would then open the .msi installer UI to manually uninstall.
The only way to deploy the old Settings Presets from versions of Enscape prior to version 2.6 to multiple machines is to install a VM (Virtual Machine) or to install 2.6 on a test machine, run the file conversion, save the new .json formatted files, then redeploy.
It is possible to deploy settings. Currently available options to deploy are Customization and offline asset and material locations.
To achieve this, you need to create settings on a device that has Enscape installed. Perform the desired changes and close Enscape.
These settings will be now saved in the “”settings.json”” found in: C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Enscape\Settings
To implement Enscape Customization follow the steps listed in this article.
To enable Offline Enscape Assets follow the steps detailed here.
Once these actions have been performed, the “settings.json” is ready to be deployed alongside Enscape.
To implement it, after the installation steps in your script, copy this file to the “Settings” folder listed above.
If you need further assistance, please send a message to our support.