Customize Enscape


The Enscape Customization and Preferences options allow the user to adapt the Enscape Viewport window to be more project or company specific, as well as the option to enable sound. The Customization options that can be adjusted include the window’s Title, Loading Screen, and any Watermark you would like to apply to your exports. These changes take affect on any exported Images.

To access the Customization or Preferences settings, start Enscape and in the Enscape Viewport toolbar click on the gear icon that’s associated with the Enscape Window Settings dialog where the Customization tab should be shown by default.

Enscape Window Settings button

Enscape Window Settings button

It is here that the options to adapt your Enscape window can be located.

Enscape Customization Settings

Enscape Customization Settings

How to customize the Enscape window

You have various options to adapt your Enscape window:

Loading Screen

Select a file (png, jpg, tga) to be used as Enscape loading screen, see example.
The recommended resolution is connected to your current screen resolution and aspect ratio.

If you have a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, we’ll recommend the same resolution for the used file.

Example of a custom loading screen for Enscape

Example of a custom loading screen for Enscape


Use the Watermark option to first select a file and then also select from a set of nine predefined positions the image will be set to in the Enscape window. This could be your company logo and the name of the working architect, as seen in the example. Additionally, the overlay will be contained in any Screenshots that you create.

Example of a custom onscreen overlay for Enscape

Example of a custom onscreen overlay for Enscape

Customized Window Caption text

Customized Window Caption text

Enscape Window Settings Preferences options

Enscape Window Settings Preferences options

    Do you need help with Enscape? Please contact our technical support here
    or send request directly through Enscape. Don't know how? Check this article.

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