Enscape Version 2.2 released
The Enscape Plugin is the best choice for Real-Time Rendering and Virtual Reality in Revit, SketchUp and Rhino. With Version 2.2 we introduce several new features that simplify your workflow and enable you to utilize new deliverables.
In this blog post we want to introduce the new features to you that are now available to all Enscape users:
Camera Path

The multi point camera tool: add keyframes, change settings such as depth of field, field of view or the daytime for each keyframe.
VR Interaction

Change the daytime, activate the white mode and outlines – all while you are in VR. Now Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality are fully supported.
SketchUp Material Editor

The material editor allows you to specify PBR material parameters like albedo, normal maps and roughness.
If you’d like to learn more about the material editor have a look at this blogpost .
Layered Screenshot

For post-processing your images that were created with Enscape you can now export a depth and a material ID image.
If you want to learn more about how to export material ID and depth channel images, this article will interest you.
White Background

The white background option changes the background without changing the skybox scene lighting and reflections.
Batch Screenshot

With one click you can export all of your favourite views to compare different stages of the project.
Other improvements
Sound Export
With the last release we introduced new sound options for video export – now you can include sound in exported Videos.
Image quality
The image and lighting quality has been improved, together with many new parameters like Vignetting or variable Chromatic Aberrations.
Windows Mixed Reality
These headsets offer inside-out tracking which means you’re not restricted to a tracking area.
Light Brightness
We added a slider to control all light sources at once to allow a faster calibration of your scene brightness.
Thanks for your precious feedback in the forum and the development agenda!